Painful Moment!!.. do I have to savor this moment?
It was dark. It was raining. It was so cold. It was last night! I see no colors. It was purely black! I see nothing but darkness. I feel nothing but pain.

Pain is in love with me. You know why? because no matter how I try to ignore it .. it doesn't leave me. Love has left me, but pain is always there, haunting me, paralyzing me.
I can't move, I can't breath... my life has stopped. My journey has ended. The world is unfair.. Last night, he let the moon hides. The world doesn't want me to see his moon.. yes, the moon.
The moon is hiding, and forever be hiding. I could no longer see his magnificence. He has left me. He left without even letting me see his true nature, his true identity. He has promised me to see him, but it was all a lie. He forgot his promise. He hides himself behind the clouds, the clouds of sorrows.
How can I fly? the beauty of the cloud has gone. It's all foggy now, protecting the moon behind it. It's all darkness! no ray of moonlight, even just a pale moonlight. :(
How can I walk in the darkness?
I am paralyzed, I don't feel anything except the tears flowing out from my eyes..
tears that travel towards my sorrowful soul.
tears that makes my vision blurred...
How can I see the light? the world has taken it away from me.
Painful moment, painful truth.. the moon is only attracted to me.
He knows from the very beginning that he can't have me but still he pursued to own me.
Was he selfish from the very beginning? He has taken everything from me.. my happiness, my heart.
Now, he has left me with a reason, LIFE HAS CHANGED.

This is the most painful phrase I heard from him . From this phrase, from these words, everything has turned into nothing. It means then that because of change, all his promises, all his feelings towards me, all the good memories, all the happiness we shared, has changed.
He is so smart.. yeah he is, because he has driven my life smoothly, then when the road is too slippery and too many humps, he left me to save himself.. saying, time changes! Time has change and along with it is his change of feeling towards me.
Time has changed, that's why there's excuse in everything.
I am a hindrance of his future... but still I pray for him to succeed.
I will bear to bear the unbearable pain... just for him to succeed.!
I will sit here, watching the sky, hoping the sun would come up and show to me his smile.. even just a fake smile!.