"Restore within me the integrity of heart that will not be shaken by any storms.., that no matter how hard my days are, still I will stand firm."
It was a hot weather on that particular day, November 30, 2011, yet I didn't mind the heat. In fact, I was feeling cold inside. I was feeling blue and my entire being was like a robot after I left my computer with a heavy heart. I decided to visit my friend after a stroll at my favorite mountain peak. This is what I usually do every time I got a heavy feeling. To spend sometime to unwind.
Little did I know, that day would give my life an abrupt twist. As I maneuvered my motorbike, I noticed him: "A big man with a mustache. He's approaching towards my direction and before I knew it, He was blocking my way.
"Give me the key!" he demanded.
I screamed. I didn't move, holding on to my keys tightly. Desperate, he straightened up and pulled something out of his pocket, omg a knife!!
"I will kill you!, he hissed pointing the knife at me.
I couldn't cry, I closed my eyes and prayed aloud, speaking words only God could understand. And soon, at one point during the most terrifying moment, somehow, I was certain I would not die. I didn't know what happened, maybe confused by the sound I made, the man began cursing and then in a second he dashed to the street and jumped into a passing vehicle. He was gone. omg how did it happen? I was shivering when I left that place heading towards my friend's house.