I got this feeling like a stranger in my own world...
Where was I?
Well, I was on a journey (for a couple of months or so)
It was a tough journey, yet, full of beauty and limitless energy.
Had been into a lot of complexities and struggles too
and you know what?
I was able to conquer it all (because I must)
You might ask how...
I simply took the risk of making some gigantic moves
and I mean FAST gigantic move...
"FAST" means :
F- eelings
A- ttitude
S- trategies
T- houghts
Once your feelings, attitude, strategies and thoughts get along with, you can walk FAST ahead of the other.
These are the schemes I trust in.
I trusted my feelings, I checked my attitude towards a certain thing and applied the strategies prearranged by my thoughts.
Sometimes, making some gigantic or big moves towards your goal may be just the thing you need to keep going.
Are you planning of a big action? say a big investment and a big change?
Go ahead. Get the spark going.
As I watched the basketball League during the Panagani Festival in our place, I can't help but cheer for my team, zone 2. I had no plan of watching the game actually, I just passed by but because of the adrenaline of the audience, I found myself screaming out "Shoot that ball Mark" (I'm referring to the star player that moment, Mark Galut).
There's a bit of slump and inconsistent shooting and then whoow... a BOOM!
It was a gigantic dunk out of nowhere and the players get off the bench screaming, the audience jumped out of their seats roaring with maximum energy.
See the beauty in it?
You've got the players on the basketball court pounding their chests and screaming.
It was done by a big move. A fantastic one, A dunk.
From that dunk, is a goal being achieved.
When was the time we had our gigantic move?
when was the time we gave our best two or three points shot in just a throw?
Come to think of your days.
Not everyday, not every hour that you gonna encounter that spark of something big.
When it comes, never give a doubt. Grab it and work for it.
Would it be at the game or at work... don't let it pass... keep it going!
Gigantic moves surely have their place.
just know your worth and do it. Don't get affected by any doubts.
Never ever hesitate to put your gigantic ideas into motion.
Never allow anyone to control your thoughts and action.
One of the main reasons people fail is because they're WAY too short sighted.
They disregard the knowledge of being positive.
Since they don't see the immediate benefits, they disregard and dismiss it.
Some portions of my book https://www.facebook.com/between.heart.and.butt mention some principles about exercising your heart and BUTT to keep in good shape.
An exercise that could give you an energy to do such gigantic moves.
Don't be like people who always say "It would take time, too much work to do than that".
These are just few quotes we encounter from people who are short sighted.
Don't you know that if you gonna do it, you'll find you have more energy?
To start a business or company
to design a big game plan
to go out more to fine a potential person...
you have to broaden the view
If you are able to do that, you'll see how it benefits you immensely in the long run.