Friday, July 4, 2014

Computer Access Providers Association (CAPA), Inc.

Opportunities inside an Ugly Box
By: Leony Moonrose

Life has handed us numerous opportunities covered in the finest gift wrapper. These opportunities are inside an ugly box labeled as “problems”. Our job is to open that box and take out the opportunity that lies within. Check the size of that box. Take note: the bigger the problem, the bigger the box, the bigger the opportunities are inside.
Computer Access Provider’s Association (CAPA), Inc. is a company that offers great deals of opportunities. Its vision of becoming the best Information Technology provider worldwide is gradually realized, especially in so far as it gave the company the opportunity to train, educate, employ and demonstrate at large scale the effectiveness of the new system, a system that in today's tech driven world has benefit every individual to experience and live through the infinite possibilities of Information Technology. 

Few years back, CAPA has encountered the so-called UGLY BOX. It has experienced a “big problem” in its operation. Its smooth venture has become rocky, done by traitors and swindlers.  If you were one of those persons creating CAPA, most likely you would give up and the chain of negativity would swallow you up. You would surely not touch that box labeled as “problems” because you might think that a bomb inside is gonna blow up.

However, instead of dwelling on the crisis, Computer Access Providers Association (CAPA), Inc. faced it, COURAGEOUSLY opened that box of “problem”, believing that a hidden treasure is inside instead of a bomb. I emphasized the word “courageously” here because it takes a lot of COURAGE for a person to risk his own life for the sake of something he loves. 

"When you put your heart into something, you have the guts to risk your own life to rescue that something". This quote has been proven by that ONE person: 
- the one who courageously opened that box of “problem”, 
- the person who believes that a great opportunity is hidden inside that box, 
- the one who is deeply in love with CAPA and rescue it from that ugly box,
is no other than the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company himself, Mr. Bryan A. Baldoz. He took the risk of opening the box, diffused the bomb and converted it into a "NEW SYSTEM".

How did he do that?

Toughness of the mind

Tenderness of the heart.

He simply perceived that the box is a “gift of problem”.

Why a “Gift of Problem”? He believes that a treasure could be found inside it..
 and those treasures are:



We read stories of people who have initiated outstanding change within their lives and succeeded.  Then we begin to realize that the beginning of that change always lies within a problem, a big problem at that. Those inspirational stories from great people like Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford and all others who’ve succeeded in their field have fuel our thoughts & desire and give us the POWER to act for a CHANGE. This is what happens to CAPA, to Mr. Bryan A. Baldoz in particular. He is inspired by great people who have gone out their way, defeated problems and succeeded. 
If they’d done it, why couldn’t he…?

He seeks out whatever he needs to solve the problem in his company. He believed that he has the power which gives him the resolve to solve it (by opening the box and diffusing the bomb) and he has embraced that all powerful idea of personal responsibility.

Mr. Bryan A. Baldoz believes that if you give your complete trust to somebody to complete a task, they will feel authorize to do it. If you give your complete trust to yourself by hugging this powerful idea of personal responsibility, you will feel authorize and that power combined with your power to change is the formula for the beginning of the solution to your problem.

Computer Access Providers Association (CAPA), Inc. is now back on the track, stronger than ever, carefully and tightly wrapped and labeled as “new system”.

Problems give us unthinkable potential for training and growth in life. When we resolve to solve problems rather than become weighed down by them, we would definitely rise up.

Thanks for that UGLY BOX.  If not because of the opportunities that lies within, Computer Access Providers Association (CAPA), Inc. wouldn’t have become of what it is today!

(Recently, CAPA is conducting Basic Computer Operation and Technician Trainings throughout the Philippines)

It’s all worth it!

Saturday, April 26, 2014


I got this feeling like a stranger in my own world...

Where was I?
Well, I was on a journey (for a couple of months or so)
It was a tough journey, yet, full of beauty and limitless energy.
Had been into a lot of complexities and struggles too
and you know what?
I was able to conquer it all (because I must)
You might ask how...
I simply took the risk of making some gigantic moves
and I mean FAST gigantic move...

 "FAST" means :
             F- eelings             
             A- ttitude
             S- trategies
             T- houghts

Once your feelings, attitude, strategies and thoughts get along with, you can walk FAST ahead of the other.

These are the schemes I trust in.
I trusted my feelings, I checked my attitude towards a certain thing and applied the strategies prearranged by my thoughts.

Sometimes, making some gigantic or big moves towards your goal may be just the thing you need to keep going. 
Are you planning of a big action? say a big investment and a big change?
Go ahead. Get the spark going.

As I watched the basketball League during the Panagani Festival in our place, I can't help but cheer for my team, zone 2. I had no plan of watching the game actually, I just passed by but because of the adrenaline of the audience, I found myself screaming out "Shoot that ball Mark" (I'm referring to the star player that moment, Mark Galut).
There's a bit of slump and inconsistent shooting and then whoow... a BOOM!
It was a gigantic dunk out of nowhere and the players get off the bench screaming, the audience jumped out of their seats roaring with maximum energy.

See the beauty in it?
You've got the players on the basketball court pounding their chests and screaming.
It was done by a big move. A fantastic one, A dunk. 
From that dunk, is a goal being achieved. 

When was the time we had our gigantic move?
when was the time we gave our best two or three points shot in just a throw?

Come to think of your days.
Not everyday, not every hour that you gonna encounter that spark of something big.
When it comes, never give a doubt. Grab it and work for it.
Would it be at the game or at work... don't let it pass... keep it going!

Gigantic moves surely have their place.
just know your worth and do it. Don't get affected by any doubts.
Never ever hesitate to put your gigantic ideas into motion.
Never allow anyone to control your thoughts and action.

One of the main reasons people fail is because they're WAY too short sighted.
They disregard the knowledge of being positive.
Since they don't see the immediate benefits, they disregard and dismiss it.

Some portions of my book mention some principles about exercising your heart and BUTT to keep in good shape. 
An exercise that could give you an energy to do such gigantic moves.

Don't be like people who always say "It would take time, too much work to do than that".
These are just few quotes we encounter from people who are short sighted.
Don't you know that if you gonna do it, you'll find you have more energy?

To start a business or company
to design a big game plan
to go out more to fine a potential person...

you have to broaden the view

 If you are able to do that, you'll see how it benefits you immensely in the long run.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Birth of my Book "Between your HEART and your BUTT"

     Give your dreams the ... 

We dream
We believe
We believe the power of dream. 

We can fly
Yes we believe...
 we can fly.

We desire
We believe 
we have burning desire!

A desire to give wings to our dreams and fly ! 
  -Leone Moonrose-

Desire is what drove me to write the book "Burning Desire - Between your HEART and your BUTT"

The journey from the person you’ve been to the person you dream of becoming is not always an easy one. Our emotion conflicting our thoughts. It takes a lot of time, effort and determination to change from being frightened to being courageous, from self-sacrificing to self supporting, from powerless to powerful. 

"I took the courage to have the power
The power to dream and make it happen
 All power is from within
and is therefore under my own control"
Why am I so certain about this?
It's because I believe that...

We are the creator of our own world, therefore every wish we want to create, every desire we have in our heart will manifest in our lives.

So many times throughout this journey, we’ve seen that in our efforts to achieve something, we often forget to catch a glimpse of our heart’s desire.  

Try to listen the voice of silence. 
It is where your HEART is speaking. 
When your heart speaks,  you  will be able to know your PASSION. 
Know your passion, know your DESIRE. 
Your desire becomes your DREAM. 
You BELIEVE on that dream. 
You give wings on that dream. 
You take the COURAGE to ACHIEVE and be ready to fly for the fulfillment of that dream!

Yes.. fly!
fly above the blue sky!
Work out for your passion
If your passion is engineering
 by all means work out on that
Be an engineer... 

You wanted to manage your own company?
Believe that you can!
"Let the variety of your reality fill you as you choose among those things that you wanted. Think of it, feel it, give it life, make a reality by becoming a match to it".

Whatever it is....
 a doctor, a lawyer, a good  mother, or father, or family member..
Excel in your real world
It is what your heart is telling you
Don't waste your time on nonsense
If you are still  unaware of what you desire
Seek it within
dig out deeper
and ask your heart about it
Never forget to consult your heart
Since the real power is in your heart

I  can still remember the moment I asked my heart about my passion
My passion in writing
It is my great desire to write a book
It has always been a dream of mine
Others said it's  impossible
It's not my field. I am not a doctor of Philosophy nor a master in literature..
what I only have is my HEART
Pretty hard to achieve
but in the end.. 
I made it... because I put my energy in that wish
until I gave birth of the book I longed to have

Burning Desire - “between your HEART and your BUTT” 
... is born
This book was conceived in love and trust
It is the love I feel for the person who trust my capabilities as a writer
It is the love of knowledge I always wanted to acquire, the love of passion of the heart, the love for success ...
the love I feel for the gift of love itself
..and the trust  that I can do anything if I believe.

Pursuing on something, especially when it comes to fulfilling your dream is not as easy as it is being said.

Giving birth on my book, “BURNING DESIRE- Between your HEART and your BUTT” has not been easy for me. It has forced me to face my own emptiness and my own blind spots more than anything I have ever done before. It has put me back in touch with dreams of how to succeed and above all, it has made me appreciate my own emotional courage—the courage to believe that I can do anything I want if I have the WILLPOWER . 
If others can, why can’t I?

This is where my dreams started. This is where I desire success.

The dynamic belief which my book edify was learned the hard way by trial and error in my personal search for success. But I found in them an answer to my own problems and believe me, I am the most difficult person with whom I have worked. 
“Burning Desire- between your HEART and your BUTT” is my effort to share my experience, for if it helped me, I felt it might also be of help to YOU.

Believe that you will succeed, and you WILL. Trust yourself.

I’ve done the first step already!
To give birth of the book I conceived
To give birth of my dream
"Between your HEART and your BUTT is in the hands of the publisher  now
It is their responsibility to take good care of it
It will now have a life of its own, separate from me, yet always connected 
Like a mother’s heart goes with her baby, a piece of my heart is going with this book to you

It is my burning desire that in some small way, I’ve helped to give an inspiration into your dreams.. so that someday, you too can say it to others..

 "Give your dreams the wings to fly".

Mary Kaye points it out: “Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as  far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” 

You might ask how...

 “Burning Desire- Between your  heart and your BUTT” will teach you how. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Liebster Blog Award - A compliment

Whatever comes your way each day, acknowledge it and  trust that everything has a reason, even a simple recognition...

I love being recognized. Perhaps you too. well, who doesn't? It is uplifting isn't it? 

Life In Love's Journey

       It is such an honor  to be chosen for the Liebster Blog Award! Ms. Cecille Tuazon of Filipinay WeeBlether Blogthank you so much for the nomination! Nakakataba kaya ng Puso, in fact haba ng hair ng lola *wink.. I acknowledge and value all forms of awards, either big or small, because it is a recognition from those who find us worthy and capable. More so, it adds my confidence and self worth as a blogger.

       I wonder in the first place of what's this Liebster blog award all about. Later on, I was able to find it out and  it brings inspiration. I felt privilege, knowing there are people simply recognizing my being me :) I love the key word  of this award which is "favorite", which means "Liebster" in German. So when we say "favorite", expect some positive adjectives such as sweetest, kindest, loveliest, pleasant, even best valued and a lot more.. wheew Cecille, which among those adjectives is me? kidding :)

We live life by the rules. 
We work hard to please ourselves and others. 
We mingle with people or friends by our character..
     recognizing them, hoping to know each one by the heart!

      Letting others know the real "me" or the other side of "me"  may seems so daunting, but then, since we have to follow some rules, I have to mention few facts about me here (although I have mentioned it in some of my previous posts), this time, it's quite different. Seems like I need to loosen up so you guys could unwrap me.. hurrah!! good luck to me then :)

Here we go: The eleven (11) random facts about me...

1.  I was, and still am a "happy go lucky" person. I do what pleases me. I live by the quote: "Do what you love, love what you do". I exercise my own freedom for as long as the freedom I have won't hurt others. 

2. I'm a bit sensitive kind -not on negative side- but in the sense that I can empathize how others feel. I believe the golden rule "Do unto others of what you want others do unto you". I'm more sensitive when it comes to my family, You might hurt me, but never do that to my family, else I gonna peel you off (opps lol, I don't mean to scare you!). I just love my family so much. 

3. When silence speak, I attentively listen. It is through silence that I could fully tuned in the station of God. The same silence where I can hear what my heart desires. This is one reason of why I usually speak with a heart. I believe when I speak with my heart, your heart listens hmm yaayyy! :)

4. I dislike people who are wearing the facade of hypocrisy. I'm not perfect, I often commit mistakes but I'm not ashamed to admit how imperfect I am. Hypocrisy on the other hand is next to dishonesty which is intolerable.  so as much as  possible refrain from being hypocrite. It won't do us any good. It increases disloyal people around us.

5.  As we go on journeying in this jungle bereft of life, sometimes I wear my mask to protect me, so don't be deceived by what your eyes can see. Who knows it wasn't me.. (are you getting me?)

6.  I love sunrise and sunset. Sunrise for me means hope, and sunset means promises. Both remind me that after darkness in every journey, there is light beyond. So I keep  holding on to that promise and hope.

7. I am a survivor. I was one of the flash flood survivors during that tragic event in the Philippines that killed 8,000 people in less than 15 minutes. From those sad experiences,  I learned a lot.  Life has taught me many lessons in the hard ways, and I'm happy for I was able to survive. 

8. I value life much. I value my friends, I value everything that are valuable. I value every moment, whatever it is, I can easily fit in, even when you try to joke me around,  dare me, I gonna pull your leg as well *wink.

9. About hobbies, I love writing, dancing, singing, motorbiking. I stroll around at the riverside, or at the beach, or even at the mountainside, watching sunset while enjoying the green view and the gentle breeze of the wind. Mostly, this is the kind of moment wherein I love to spend with a friend or someone special hmm. Oohh I love surfing as well, internet surfing in the meantime lolzz.. coz up to now, it is my desire that someday, someone would teach me about wave surfing *wink again* j/k.

10. When it comes to food, I can eat anything for as long as no poison in it :) I can eat cultured snakes (lol is there any cultured snake?) or any exotic foods like insects or frogs,  hmm lol you might say I'm kidding :) In most cases, I love filipino dishes, with more vegetables and sea foods. I eat a lot. Never tried diet, not even once.  Mom said I have a slender bone structure so no need for diet (I guess mom was right, oh well, for me mom is always right :). If I have less or more food intake, there is no difference. 

11. I love to speak so often, discuss anything more and share good things..but since I am only limited up to 11 facts about me, I have to end up here sharing to you this words:

At this point, I need to take a break. I'll be back with more revelations about me *wink... Great day to you guys, looking forward to getting to know you too :) ciaoo!! 

Be In A Relationship With Yourself (Ultimate Goal)

Has there ever been a time when you felt like you held onto something? You fought hard for it, but ended up frustrated or exhausted, Be...