Friday, July 4, 2014

Computer Access Providers Association (CAPA), Inc.

Opportunities inside an Ugly Box
By: Leony Moonrose

Life has handed us numerous opportunities covered in the finest gift wrapper. These opportunities are inside an ugly box labeled as “problems”. Our job is to open that box and take out the opportunity that lies within. Check the size of that box. Take note: the bigger the problem, the bigger the box, the bigger the opportunities are inside.
Computer Access Provider’s Association (CAPA), Inc. is a company that offers great deals of opportunities. Its vision of becoming the best Information Technology provider worldwide is gradually realized, especially in so far as it gave the company the opportunity to train, educate, employ and demonstrate at large scale the effectiveness of the new system, a system that in today's tech driven world has benefit every individual to experience and live through the infinite possibilities of Information Technology. 

Few years back, CAPA has encountered the so-called UGLY BOX. It has experienced a “big problem” in its operation. Its smooth venture has become rocky, done by traitors and swindlers.  If you were one of those persons creating CAPA, most likely you would give up and the chain of negativity would swallow you up. You would surely not touch that box labeled as “problems” because you might think that a bomb inside is gonna blow up.

However, instead of dwelling on the crisis, Computer Access Providers Association (CAPA), Inc. faced it, COURAGEOUSLY opened that box of “problem”, believing that a hidden treasure is inside instead of a bomb. I emphasized the word “courageously” here because it takes a lot of COURAGE for a person to risk his own life for the sake of something he loves. 

"When you put your heart into something, you have the guts to risk your own life to rescue that something". This quote has been proven by that ONE person: 
- the one who courageously opened that box of “problem”, 
- the person who believes that a great opportunity is hidden inside that box, 
- the one who is deeply in love with CAPA and rescue it from that ugly box,
is no other than the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company himself, Mr. Bryan A. Baldoz. He took the risk of opening the box, diffused the bomb and converted it into a "NEW SYSTEM".

How did he do that?

Toughness of the mind

Tenderness of the heart.

He simply perceived that the box is a “gift of problem”.

Why a “Gift of Problem”? He believes that a treasure could be found inside it..
 and those treasures are:



We read stories of people who have initiated outstanding change within their lives and succeeded.  Then we begin to realize that the beginning of that change always lies within a problem, a big problem at that. Those inspirational stories from great people like Andrew Carnegie, Henry ford and all others who’ve succeeded in their field have fuel our thoughts & desire and give us the POWER to act for a CHANGE. This is what happens to CAPA, to Mr. Bryan A. Baldoz in particular. He is inspired by great people who have gone out their way, defeated problems and succeeded. 
If they’d done it, why couldn’t he…?

He seeks out whatever he needs to solve the problem in his company. He believed that he has the power which gives him the resolve to solve it (by opening the box and diffusing the bomb) and he has embraced that all powerful idea of personal responsibility.

Mr. Bryan A. Baldoz believes that if you give your complete trust to somebody to complete a task, they will feel authorize to do it. If you give your complete trust to yourself by hugging this powerful idea of personal responsibility, you will feel authorize and that power combined with your power to change is the formula for the beginning of the solution to your problem.

Computer Access Providers Association (CAPA), Inc. is now back on the track, stronger than ever, carefully and tightly wrapped and labeled as “new system”.

Problems give us unthinkable potential for training and growth in life. When we resolve to solve problems rather than become weighed down by them, we would definitely rise up.

Thanks for that UGLY BOX.  If not because of the opportunities that lies within, Computer Access Providers Association (CAPA), Inc. wouldn’t have become of what it is today!

(Recently, CAPA is conducting Basic Computer Operation and Technician Trainings throughout the Philippines)

It’s all worth it!

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