Courtesy: Lavi Singh
What are you afraid of?
Alone in the dark?
Getting poor?
Do you spend a good deal of time worrying about your status in life, wishing you could swap places with those rich and famous, who you think are living a happy and easy life? Does the phrase “I wish I were that person” has ever cross to your mind?
Alone in the dark?
Getting poor?
Do you spend a good deal of time worrying about your status in life, wishing you could swap places with those rich and famous, who you think are living a happy and easy life? Does the phrase “I wish I were that person” has ever cross to your mind?
There are millions of people in
this world.
This million people have
billion dreams and wishes.
Dreams of having a good life with endless happiness.
A kind of happiness everyone wishes to have yet scared to take hard test because what they want is easy drive in the highways.
The moment you open your eyes and see the sunrise, it is the beginning moment of your journey for the day. You've seen hope, all you gonna do is move, otherwise the rising sun is gonna kick your butt. You have to get up -for the heck of just being alive and being tied up into complicated stuff- you still have to get up and it is a must.
That's how it is, we can't complain life.
Since we cannot complain life, we set our own rules or we try to compromise. Others just accept what it is, while the rest have tried their way to work things out hoping that life would be in their favor someday. The tendency is we keep ourselves busy. We kill ourselves by working hard to the extent of spending less quality time with our very own self and family.
We will just say, "that's what life is, we can't complain, it's like we get a one way ticket and we don't know about our destiny for this long journey".
Then after saying this, we move our feet, (doesn't matter if we want or we have to), with common chant "Busy here, busy there and everywhere".
The next day, there you go again, saying, "this is how my life is. I ccan't complain", then again you keep your life busy, handle all things in your way, making details here and there, absorbing all the headaches until things get complicated.
Life isn't easy and kind of a crazy journey.
Are you not tired of all that? Why are you carrying all those burdens by yourself? can't you delegate it to others so they would do their share?
Loosen up a bit and free yourself from that crazy chain, or crazy game (I must say).
A kind of game where people are wearing their respective mask and play the game of pretending...
- pretending that its a sunny day yet deep inside its clouded by worries
- pretending that everything is okay and manageable in order to create a strong personality in the eyes of others
- pretending to be cool to portray a good image even if others behavior is intolerable
Weather we like it or not, people’s behavior towards us, or our behavior towards them greatly affect our relationship with each other, our life in general, once we tolerate the game of pretending.
We do not know who is with us or against us which make our life out of balance....
A kind of happiness everyone wishes to have yet scared to take hard test because what they want is easy drive in the highways.
The moment you open your eyes and see the sunrise, it is the beginning moment of your journey for the day. You've seen hope, all you gonna do is move, otherwise the rising sun is gonna kick your butt. You have to get up -for the heck of just being alive and being tied up into complicated stuff- you still have to get up and it is a must.
That's how it is, we can't complain life.
Since we cannot complain life, we set our own rules or we try to compromise. Others just accept what it is, while the rest have tried their way to work things out hoping that life would be in their favor someday. The tendency is we keep ourselves busy. We kill ourselves by working hard to the extent of spending less quality time with our very own self and family.

Then after saying this, we move our feet, (doesn't matter if we want or we have to), with common chant "Busy here, busy there and everywhere".
The next day, there you go again, saying, "this is how my life is. I ccan't complain", then again you keep your life busy, handle all things in your way, making details here and there, absorbing all the headaches until things get complicated.
Life isn't easy and kind of a crazy journey.
Are you not tired of all that? Why are you carrying all those burdens by yourself? can't you delegate it to others so they would do their share?
Loosen up a bit and free yourself from that crazy chain, or crazy game (I must say).
A kind of game where people are wearing their respective mask and play the game of pretending...
- pretending that its a sunny day yet deep inside its clouded by worries
- pretending that everything is okay and manageable in order to create a strong personality in the eyes of others
- pretending to be cool to portray a good image even if others behavior is intolerable
Weather we like it or not, people’s behavior towards us, or our behavior towards them greatly affect our relationship with each other, our life in general, once we tolerate the game of pretending.
We do not know who is with us or against us which make our life out of balance....
I want a big scale…
which can measure people’s heart and their purity. I just lost in that game where friends or even relatives coming to me from front or back wearing masks, displaying fake feelings, emotions, worries or care just to win the game, that no matter how low we need to go we will for the sake of winning.
I lost in the game of pretending where friends acting like they can when in fact they cannot, professing their support but the truth is when things get rough or worse, they’re the first one to turn their back on us. Yes, I lost in that game while I was in the process of winning.
I need scale… to measure
people’s true intentions when they stand for something.
One person explained his
own self saying he became bad in exchange of his family’s good life, while the
other claimed he is too good that’s why other people have turned bad. This
situation may seem not right, but who has the right to measure anyone’s life
anyway? No one ever judge our actions of the past, not even yourself. Whatever happened
in the past were bound to happen. It was
the age of wisdom, or the age of foolishness, it was the season of light or of
darkness, it was the spring of hope or the winter of despair, we had everything
before us or we had nothing before us, we were all going direct the other way –
in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of the
noisiest authorities insisted upon being received, for good or evil, in the
superlative degree of comparison only.
This is life. Whatever situations
you are in or you had in the past, either good or bad, you have to live it. Everyone
needs to learn how to survive. We can’t keep chicken inside an egg. Someday an
egg will break and chick would come out, face the world by his own. No one
could teach him how to survive except his own self as he lives in time, it is
the best of times or the worst of times that could make him nice or brave.
People always ask “Are you
Then I answer “what do you
think?” “Do I deserve to be happy or not?”
Oftentimes we are being
put into situation where people ask us of the things which should not be asked
at all, instead of just leaving us to choose of what we like to have. Though
unintentional, some of the questions would bring back bad memories. It must be
tough and terrible, but sometimes those are also quite handy especially in
situations when our feet almost ready to stop on wrong destination.
Many of us are like sheep,
moving behind someone or following other’s footsteps without trying to find out
if there are other existing roads aside from the one we’d been following. We
dare not see other possibilities. We convinced ourselves we are contented but
in our deepest being we are like an empty shell. Again we say “This is life”,
no complain once we fail, and if we succeed our luck is on our sleeves.
Heck, why should we be
like a sheep when we can rule like a lion?
Why do we have to give
space for others and disregard our own?
Try to live life for your
happiness. Learn to become selfish at times for you to be able to taste the
sweetness of being free. It is your life and you ought to live with it to the
fullest. When are you gonna give yourself a break to enjoy the colors of the
universe? When everything turns gray and you lose all your teeth? Making other
people happy is good but if you do like selling your own happiness for others’ sake
I must say you are just killing yourself and making other life miserable as
well. Do business, you are good at that, right? then do so, but never ever close
a deal by selling your own happiness. Once you do, you’re dead. You may have
life but good as dead. You are not responsible of others happiness, the same
like other’s aren’t responsible of your own.
The moment you deprive
yourself from being happy just to give way for someone, then you are making
another “you “ in others. When you become sad and make others happy, you are
showing them an example that would create a chain or like a domino effect. Your
action will born another “you” and that new “you” in another persona will try
to make you happy, choose you over himself or herself, willing to say goodbye
to his or her own happiness just to see you happy.
There is nothing wrong in
making others happy as long as you are making yourself happy as well. Happiness
is a gift to yourself. Savor it.
It is like…
We walk on grass everyday,
we feel nothing is special.
Walk early in the morning,
while grass still fresh in its dew, you can see the difference.
The effect is some kind of
happiness which is hard to explain beyond words.
You feel it because you
love nature. Once you do the things you love, it makes you happy.
Once you stop doing the
things you like, then you are welcoming to live a life which you don’t like.
There is hidden miracle in
being happy. Unwrap it. Reveal it. For you to see the life the way it should be
We heard about people who
spend time in mother nature while there are others spending their time on the internet.
Those who like mother nature and manage to spend their time in nature are simply
living the life the way they like, and those whose time spent on digital world
to work in increasing their bank balance is no different from a nature lover
because they too live a life they choose to have. Either of the two, they both
manage to live a life they preferred and take note, they excelled in it.
Life is special. It’s like
a piece of clear white paper wherein we have to write the song about us without
any mix of hypocrisy of fake show off comparing to others. It’s not easy, in
fact it is hard to acquire the things we need to have because sometimes life
will not work in our favor but with strong determination, special things we wished
for will come though in the hard way, but definitely it will come in its own
sweet time. Just steadily work on it. Like for instance, before, you ask your
parents of what’s gonna be the special things coming into your life, and your
parents point their fingers at you, saying “you are the special one and you’re
the one making your own self special no matter how imperfect you are (from your
mistakes). Mistakes are to teach you though. Start loving your imperfection and
embrace life the way you want it to be,
not on the other way around. By this, you are doing something for your
happiness and for others as well. Love yourself, Love your life.